A Digital Media Company wasn’t born yesterday: we have our roots deeply set in television and commercial ad space. We hear it all the time from our customers: “No one watches television or listens to the radio anymore.” Yet we see those same customers plop themselves down in front of the tube to watch a movie for free. But free isn’t free. We all know that, even if we don’t like to admit it.
A Digital Media Company wasn’t born yesterday: we have our roots deeply set in television and commercial ad space. We hear it all the time from our customers: “No one watches television or listens to the radio anymore.” Yet we see those same customers plop themselves down in front of the tube to watch a movie for free. But free isn’t free. We all know that, even if we don’t like to admit it.

People Will Put Up with Ads for “Free Media”
Whether people necessarily have to watch “free” television or they are tired of being charged for everything besides breathing, there is a return to free radio and television on the horizon. With Netflix clamping down on addresses for streaming and people getting smart televisions that come equipped with “free” streaming capability, if people don’t have to whip out their credit card, they are willing to grab a refill during the commercials. All that is old is new again. Streaming is another digital ad campaign that you should consider, especially as it becomes a preferred mode for people not wanting to be nickel-and-dimed.
Streaming OTT (Over the Top)
80% of US homes currently use streaming services like Sling TV, Hulu, and Pluto, which all allow ads to run. Where people once put their advertising budget into cable television, others are seeing the value of breaking into the streaming OTT ad market. 73% of viewers use connected TV devices where ads are non-skippable and have a 95% completion rate. The most popular streaming services are Apple TV, Sling TV, Hulu Plus, and Roku, but there are many others. People are willing to opt for the non-skip

Reach Millions of Viewers
You can reach literally millions of viewers using strategic streaming TV advertising. And you can target specific demographics and locations with non-skippable ads when it will make the most impact. Being found across many platforms means that you are more likely to find your niche market where they are. There is also no real age difference between Baby Boomers and Gen Z in the number of people who use streaming apps; it just takes knowing how to single out who you want to target, and that is where our expertise lies.

Smart Televisions Are Smart Targeting!
Statistics tell us that over half of US households have at least one or more smart televisions. That is a lot of audience to tap into. We can single out your intended audience and effectively and efficiently spend your advertising budget on what works. We aren’t new to the ad media buying game, and this isn’t our first rodeo. We are years ahead of others who are just getting into the game, and we basically wrote the rules.